Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Miseducation of the American Voter

Governor Sarah Palin is referencing a New York Times article in her attacks on Senator Barack Obama. Governor Palin argues Mr. Obama has been “palling around with terrorists.”

“Obama and 60’s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths,” was written by Scott Shane. The article was poorly written. The article appears to imply a connection between Senator Obama and former Weathermen radical William Ayers.

Governor Palin is dishonest in her argument. She is merely reciting the talking point of the day. Or, maybe she did not carefully read the article.

Mr. Shane reports Mr. Ayers met Mr. Obama at a lunchtime meeting regarding school reform in 1995. He was no longer the 60’s radical who founded the Weathermen. At the time, Mr. Ayers was an education professor in Chicago.

Mr. Shane explains Mr. Ayers and Mr. Obama’s careers overlapped. In the sixth paragraph Mr. Shane wrote, “But the two men do not appear to have been close. Nor has Mr. Obama ever expressed sympathy for the radical views and actions of Mr. Ayers…”[i]

Buried deeper in the article, Mr. Shane wrote, “Since 2002, there is little evidence of their relationship.”[ii]

Mr. Shane implies Senator Obama “has played down his contacts with Mr. Ayers.”[iii]

The seventh paragraph includes the standard campaign denial stating, “The Ayers relationship had been greatly exaggerated by opponents to smear the candidate.”[iv]

Mr. Shane’s article is unclear. He should have started with the following lead: “During the Democratic presidential primaries, Senator Hillary Clinton argued there was a link between Mr. Obama and 60’s Weathermen radical William Ayers.

“Senator McCain’s campaign also expressed concerns over Mr. Obama’s possible involvement with domestic terrorists.

“Conservative talk show hosts have expressed outrage over Mr. Obama’s possible association with radical groups.

“However, after a careful investigation, it can be concluded that there is no formal relationship between Senator Obama and Mr. William Ayers. Any relationship between both individuals is casual at best.”

From that point, Mr. Shane should have described the history of the Obama – Ayers relationship, which he did starting on page three of the article (the downloaded format).

Mr. Ayers was instrumental in winning a $50 million grant from Walter H. Annenberg, a billionaire philanthropist and former United Kingdom ambassador under President Nixon.[v]

“In March 1995, Mr. Obama became the chairman of the six member board that oversaw the distribution of the grants in Chicago.” Contrary to right wing speculation, Mr. Ayers was not involved in the appointment.[vi]

It was Ms Deborah Leff, president of the Chicago based Joyce Foundation, who suggested Mr. Obama “would make a good board chairman.” Also present at the lunch meeting was “Patricia A. Graham of the Spencer Foundation and Adele Simmons of the MacArthur Foundation.” Mr. Ayers was not at that meeting.[vii]

From 1995 to 2000, Mr. Obama and Mr. Ayers attended six board meetings. Mr. Ayers briefed the board members on school issues.[viii]

In 1995, Mr. Ayers hosted a gathering in his townhouse. State Senator Alice J. Palmer was planning to run for Congress. Ms Palmer introduced Mr. Obama as her “chosen successor” at this gathering.[ix]

In 1997, during an interview with the Chicago Tribune, Mr. Obama offered praise to “A Kind and Just Parent: The Children of Juvenile Court,” a book written by Mr. Ayers.[x]

In 2001, Mr. Ayers contributed $200 to State Senator Obama’s re-election campaign.[xi]

From 2000 to 2002, Mr. Obama and Mr. Ayers attendance overlapped on the seven-member board of the Woods Fund, “a Chicago Charity that had supported Mr. Obama’s first work as a community organizer…”[xii]

That is the nature of the relationship between Mr. Ayers and Mr. Obama. In conclusion, there is no formal or close relationship between Mr. Obama and Mr. Ayers.

Perhaps if Mr. Shane’s article were clearly written, then Governor Palin would not be using it as source in her campaign speeches.

But if the article were written clearly, then the Republican Party would have accused the New York Times of being apologists for domestic terrorists, and supporting Senator Obama.

Maybe the article was poorly written on purpose as a preemptive defense against bias, to protect the New York Times from attacks by the Republican Party.

The relationship between Mr. Obama and Mr. Ayers has been in the public domain since the beginning of the 2008 presidential campaign.

Conservative talk show host Sean Hannity adopted the mission of exposing a connection between Senator Obama and William Ayers. Senator Clinton and Senator McCain willingly joined the crusade.

During a telephone interview with “This Week” host on April 15, 2008, Mr. Hannity suggested George Stephanopoulos should ask Senator Obama to explain the nature of his relationship with Mr. Ayers during a presidential debate.

Mr. Stephanopoulos complied. During the April 16, 2008 Democratic presidential debate, George Stephanopoulos asked Senator Obama about, “the general theme of patriotism in your relationships. A gentleman named William Ayers – he was part of the Weather Underground in the 1970s. They bombed the Pentagon, the Capitol, and other buildings. He’s never apologized for that, and, in fact, on 9-11, he was quoted in The New York Times saying, “I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough.”

“An early organizing meeting for your state Senate campaign was held at his house, and your campaign has said you are friendly. Can you explain that relationship for the voters, and explain to Democrats why it won’t be a problem?”[xiii]

It is worth repeating, Mr. Stephanopoulos said the Obama campaign admits Senator Obama and Mr. Ayers are friendly.

Senator Obama calmly explained that he served on a board in Chicago with Mr. Ayers, but was not “somebody who I exchanged ideas from a regular basis.” Senator Obama described Mr. Ayers as “a guy who lives in my neighborhood.”

Mr. Obama was eight years old when the Weathermen conducted their domestic terrorist activities. Mr. Ayers was not a fugitive when he met Mr. Obama. He was not a convicted felon who was ostracized from society.

It is a story that will not die because the mainstream media continues to ignore the facts. The Mediacracy allows the McCain campaign to smear Senator Obama, and does not even attempt refute these baseless allegations. The mainstream media rationalization is that it is Mr. Obama’s responsibility to counter the charges.

The William Ayers controversy will not end after the election. If elected, the Republicans in Congress will demand the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the relationship between President Obama and Mr. Ayers, or with Tony Rezko, or with ACORN.

The Republican Party has proven they are unwilling to work with others. America will continue to falter because of their obstinacy.

[i] Scott Shane, “Obama and 60’s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths,” New York Times, October 4, 2008.
[ii] Scott Shane, “Obama and 60’s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths,” New York Times, October 4, 2008.
[iii] Scott Shane, “Obama and 60’s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths,” New York Times, October 4, 2008.
[iv] Scott Shane, “Obama and 60’s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths,” New York Times, October 4, 2008.
[v] Scott Shane, “Obama and 60’s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths,” New York Times, October 4, 2008.
[vi] Scott Shane, “Obama and 60’s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths,” New York Times, October 4, 2008.
[vii] Scott Shane, “Obama and 60’s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths,” New York Times, October 4, 2008.
[viii] Scott Shane, “Obama and 60’s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths,” New York Times, October 4, 2008.
[ix] Scott Shane, “Obama and 60’s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths,” New York Times, October 4, 2008.
[x] Scott Shane, “Obama and 60’s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths,” New York Times, October 4, 2008.
[xi] Scott Shane, “Obama and 60’s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths,” New York Times, October 4, 2008.
[xii] Scott Shane, “Obama and 60’s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths,” New York Times, October 4, 2008.
[xiii] “Right Wing Radio Host Suggested Damn Good Question to Stephanopoulos Day Before Debate,” Media Matters for America, April 17, 2008.

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